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The Seven – Part 4 – Pergamum – Apostasy Danger

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The Seven – Part 4 – Pergamum – Apostasy Danger

  We come to the third church on our study of the Seven Churches in Revelation and we arrive at Pergamum a captial city that had existed for over 400 years on a high hill overloking the valley and the geography of Turkey.  This city was also the home of Greek gods and Roman Ceasar worship.  It was to this city that Jesus comes as a judge to prosecute the case of the Pergamum chuches future.  He has some evidence in favor and some against with a dire warning about their future apostasy.  Are we in danger of abandoning our faith and assimilating into the culture around us?  Can we be so prideful to think that we too could be lured away by false teaching and by the disallusionment of church life to give up the effective ministry of Christ.  Lord speak to each of us as we seek to be honest with you.

The Summer Preaching Series at WellSpring!
In this series we will be looking at the seven church in Revelation by focusing on the first 3 chapters of Revelation. Each church has much for us to learn and experience.

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