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Motivated by Hope

WASHINGTON, October 15—-American Airlines Flight 11 had fallen mysteriously silent.  The air traffic controller called over and over for a response.  None came.  Then he heard an unidentified voice from the cockpit:  “We have some planes.  Just stay quiet, and...

Pause to Praise, Please!

What is the one thing that can perk up the ears of another beyond compare?  A little PRAISE.  As true as it is in the classroom that one will jump through hoops with the right prescription of praise sandwiched amidst constructive criticism, so it is true in our...

Gone Fishin’…

Take a look at the headlines today and see how the need for Jesus Christ to walk among this new generation “with skin on” has skyrocketed, illuminating WellSpring Community Church’s purpose now, more than ever.  It is not getting any easier to be...

Gone, But Never Forgotten!

Every April, as many of the four of us as can journey to the Smoky Mountains for the Annual Wildflower Pilgrimage. From the time I was a baby, I can remember tagging along with my dad’s Auburn University systematic botany students on this foray. My mom, a...

Get Back on That Horse!

GET BACK ON THAT HORSE! Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do when we fall off? Name your area…overeating, gossip, complaining, slacking off church, drug and alcohol addiction, anger issues, remaining in a funk, refusing to forgive others…or...

A Little Thorny Subject

This week was the week to tackle a job that has been left undone for way too long!  When our family moved to Deatsville in June 2004, I retrieved my collection of antique rose bushes from a friend who had graciously stored them for me during our year back at school in...