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Get Back on That Horse!

GET BACK ON THAT HORSE! Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do when we fall off? Name your area…overeating, gossip, complaining, slacking off church, drug and alcohol addiction, anger issues, remaining in a funk, refusing to forgive others…or...

A Little Thorny Subject

This week was the week to tackle a job that has been left undone for way too long!  When our family moved to Deatsville in June 2004, I retrieved my collection of antique rose bushes from a friend who had graciously stored them for me during our year back at school in...

My Thoughts on “Mawwidge” and “Wuv, Twu Wuv”

It was April 29th – 27 years ago.  I was scared and nervous as we stood in the pitch blackness of an Auburn evening.  It was a beautiful clear night with the crickets chirping in the background.  As we walked through the gate and passed through the high grass in...

Seeing is Believing!

In L.B. Cowman’s Streams in the Desert, I found a glittering gem one day. “In Hebrews 11:27, we read that Moses ‘persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.’ Yet in the following passage, exactly the opposite was true of the children of...

Pain, Pain, Go Away…

A few years ago, I went on one of my all-too-rare “Dates with God”, something I started while we were appointed at St. Luke UMC in Montgomery in 2002. It dawned upon me, as a stay-at-home mom at the time, that I did little RISKING for God. Most people...