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Advancing Through Adversity – Part 1 – Adversity Happens!

Advancing Through Adversity – Part 1 – Adversity Happens! 2 Chronicles 20:1,2; 17:3-6   In 2 Chronicles 20 we are find Jehoshaphat facing an extreme adversity – a vast army headed his way.  What will he do in these times of adversity?  Today we take a general look at adversity and the reality of adversity, the root of adversity, and the revelations of adversity.

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Advancing Through Adversity
2 Chronicles 20

  In 2nd Chronicles, we find the amazing story of Jehoshaphat, a man of God following in the footsteps of his Father who was also one of the righteous kings of Judah.  Yet, in chapter 20, he faces adversity and has to decide how he will handle that adversity.  He learns his lesson from a previous failure and He decides this time to advance through adversity God’s way.  What about you?  When you have to deal with trials, tribulations, temptations – how do you deal with them? Adversity happens – everyone has to face it, the question remains – how will we deal with adversity.