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The Power of Praise – Part 2 – An Attitude Adjustment

Sermon Resources

The Power of Praise

Over the next three weeks, we will be investigating an often forgotten part of our life as Christians. We all say we beleive in the power of prayer as we call upon the name of Jesus Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and expect that God the Father hears us when we pray, but have we forgotten the power of praise?  Have we become so out of balance in our lives that we pray but we neglect to praise? You will see as you join us in this series that there is real power in choosing to praise God faithfully and loudly.  Praise is really a faith statement – based on who we are in Christ and who God is by faith! Praise is an attitude adujustment as turn our focus from our own needs, fears, and concerns to concentrating on the all sufficientcy of Christ and the omnipotence of God. Praise is our call to thangsgiving because we are so blessed in this life because of what Christ has done for us.  Come join us in this series to learn the power of praise to change your life!