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As we have seen in the Book of Joshua chapter 1 and 3 already, the Children of Israel have come to an impossible barrier once again.  The same barrier they…
Do you face major challenges in your life? Have you come to the point where you don't know how to get past these things? The people of God were as…
When you come to those issues in your life - marriage, family, financial, spiritual - that you can't handle, when they seem impossible to cross, what will you do? Today…
If we are going to "have compassion on the people" like Jesus did, we have to KNOW them, their needs, and ways to help them.  I believe that two things…
Today, we begin the new year and the new decade! The 2020 book of mission and ministry is ready to be written in and so we are going to be…

It’s Time to Shut the Gate!

December 29, 2019
Before we can grab a hold to the vision and plans that God has for our future, we have to go back and "close the gate" on the past. These…
The last of our angel appearances at Advent came on the night Jesus was born.  The angel did not appear to Mary and Joseph or the Inn keepers with a…
The key to the entire Advent story is often overlooked. He seems to have a "Limited" role in the miracle of Christmas, but once we look deeper into the environment…
The second appearance comes six months later to young virgin. There is no more exciting and impossible miracle asked of any human: To be a mother of The Christ. Mary…
Angels are such an important part of the Biblical narrative with over 275 references in the text.  Today we will begin our Advent series focusing on the Message of Jesus…